Mail us a check to 8915 Timberside
Drive, Houston, Texas 77025
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card or bank ACH.
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Text StLukesPres to 73256 to donate from your phone
“Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God,
serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.” (1 Peter 4:10)
“Giving has always been a mark of Christian commitment and discipleship. The ways in which a believer uses God’s gifts of material goods, personal abilities, and time should reflect a faithful response to God’s self-giving in Jesus Christ and Christ’s call to minister to and share with others in the world. Tithing is a primary expression of the Christian discipline of stewardship.” (“Book of Order”, Presbyterian Church, USA)
Stewardship is not only about money; it also includes our time, talents, and material goods.
We talk about getting involved for God with time and talents on other pages of this site.
Below are some of the monetary ways to become involved.
How Does One Decide What to Give?
- Think about how you have been blessed by God, not just financial resources, but family, friends, health, education, opportunities, smiles,
sunshine, rain, rest, to name a few. - Pray in thanksgiving to God, and for the courage to trust God in making one’s pledge.
- Do not follow the notion of “Give ’til it hurts.” Instead, give until it feels good! Give until you feel joy at the privilege of giving back to God! While the Bible talks about a tithe (literally a gift equal to 10% of one’s yearly gross income), many people start at a lower percentage and work up to 10%.
Many individuals choose to support St. Luke’s operational budget through regular giving. Pledges are used to support the work of the church, from the mundane (paying for crayons and light bulbs) to the exciting (the education of people in the gospel, uplifting worship, outreach to people around the world through the General Assembly).
Everything the church does to show the love, justice, and mercy of the Lord, to proclaim the good news of the gospel, and to carry out the mandates of Jesus Christ is funded by the pledges of members.
Gifts in Honor or in Memorium
Many people periodically make gifts in honor of a family member or friend to celebrate their birthday, anniversary, retirement, promotion, or other special event. Others choose to make gifts in memory of a friend or loved one. When the church receives a gift of this type, an acknowledgment is sent to the recipient or family on the contributor’s behalf.
General or Designated Endowments
For special gifts and bequests, individuals may designate either the General Endowment Fund or the Designated Endowment Fund. Specific ministries may be highlighted through designated gifts.
Flower Dedication
Flowers for our sanctuary on Sunday mornings can be purchased through the church to honor a person or event important to you, or as a memorial to a loved one. Call the church office or use the sign-up sheet and donation envelopes in Room #123 to sign up and let us know how to acknowledge your gift. The cost is $80 for two large arrangements.
More information may be obtained
by contacting the church office (713-667-6531).
Throughout the year, St. Luke’s congregation gives to both established charitable causes and unexpected disaster relief. Listed below are some of those opportunities to give to our neighbors in need:
- Souper Bowl of Caring is a food-drive movement started in 1990 by a Presbyterian church youth group. The movement is headed up each year by youth across America, including St. Luke’s Youth. Culminating on Super Bowl Sunday, our youth collect donations of food and money for food. They also give a presentation during worship on Super Bowl Sunday. Proceeds are given locally to feed the hungry in our Houston community.
- One Great Hour of Sharing has, for over 70 years, provided Presbyterians a way to share God’s love with our neighbors in need around the world. Each spring St. Luke’s joins with the greater Presbyterian Church to contribute to the development of sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity.
- Christian Community Service Center Food Pantry in Houston is supported by St. Luke’s members throughout the year with ongoing contributions of non-perishable food items and monetary gifts.
- Back to School Program through Christian Community Service Center is supported each year by St. Luke’s members. Donations of school supplies and clothing, plus volunteers to help distribute those supplies are provided.
- Presbyterian Disaster Assistance brings hope to communities and individuals recovering from natural and human-caused disaster situations. Throughout the year, as needs arise, St. Luke’s collects donations for these efforts. In recent years we supported aid to people devastated by hurricanes such as Harvey and Laura here on the Gulf Coast.
- Sponsorship of Families in Need at Thanksgiving and Christmas is a tradition at St. Luke’s. Each year several families are given food and gifts to make their holidays brighter.
- Jingle Bell Express is a toy drive for underprivileged children sponsored by the Christian Community Service Center. Each year St. Luke’s members give generously to help put smiles on children’s faces when they open their new toys at Christmas.