We are excited that you are considering membership
at St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church!

Your first step to membership is to contact Rev. Harbison. He will be happy to walk you through the process.  Primary details are shown below. The Session is the local church’s governing body of elected elders (elected from the congregation). The Session meets on Sundays before the 10:00 a.m. worship service to receive new members. Individuals wishing to join will introduce themselves to the elders and join by one of three ways. Descriptions of each are detailed below:
  • Profession of Faith and Baptism–For those who have never been baptized or have never been a member of a Christian church before.
  • Reaffirmation of Faith – For those who have previously been members of a Christian church, but who are not currently active members of another Christian church.
  • Transfer of Church Letter – For those on the active role of another Christian church, either in Houston or elsewhere in the United States.
Profession of Faith and Baptism:
When a person who has never been baptized or was baptized as an infant but has never been a member of a Christian church wishes to join St. Luke’s, the person is received by Profession of Faith. In a meeting of the Session, the person is asked three questions:
1. Do you profess faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?
2. Do you look to Him for your salvation?
3. Dependent upon the grace of God, do you seek to serve Him through this congregation?
After giving an affirmative answer to each of these questions, the Session will receive the person into full, active membership of St. Luke’s once they are baptized. If the person has never been baptized, a date for their baptism is then set. Baptism in the Presbyterian Church USA always takes place during a regular worship service of the congregation. All members of the congregation promise to nurture the new believer in the faith and to help them learn about Jesus Christ.
Reaffirmation of Faith:
When a person who has been, but is not currently, a member of a Christian church, wishes to unite with St. Luke’s, they are received by Reaffirmation of Faith. In a meeting of the Session, the person is asked the same three questions above to reaffirm their faith. After giving an affirmative answer to each of these questions, the Session votes to receive the person into full, active membership of St. Luke’s.
Transfer of Church Letter:
When a person who is currently a member of another Christian church wishes to unite with St. Luke’s, they are received by Transfer of Church Letter. In a meeting of the Session, after stating the name and location of their current church membership, the Session votes to receive the person into full, active membership of St. Luke’s. The Clerk of Session contacts the former church to notify them of the desired transfer; and the necessary paperwork is exchanged.
Affiliate Membership:
Affiliate membership is for those in Houston on a short-term basis who are active church members elsewhere. Especially appropriate for college students or those working on temporary assignment, an affiliate membership gives a person a church home away from home while they maintain active status in their home church. Affiliate membership carries all the privileges of active membership, except the rights to vote in congregational meetings or hold a church office. The process for becoming an affiliate member is simple: Speak with the pastor and he will be happy to introduce you to the Session on Sunday.

St. Luke’s has been richly blessed; and we eagerly anticipate our future service to the glory of God.
We invite you to come be a part of our journey!